"Her and Her Episodes" Acrylic on paper... All content copyright! 2005 - 2017 and so on, and on, and on....

Sunday, November 26, 2006

- Sunday Morning -
The Assignment - Part One
A. called from the front door to suggest "I should" go and photograph
"the red berries from bellow" - only in the next block, near the far corner...
As some of you already know, he dreams them up and I, well I go and do!
(You may find them in the spring and summer archives - when I was obsessing with all the new growth and blooms in the area - lurking behind fences and other's yards... )

Always a good time to meet neighbors - Garret, with a truck full of snow...

Our "front yard"

... back yard

Some irresistible glimpses, half way to my destination

continues bellow.........

1 comment:

Margie said...

Oh my all that snow!
I see your friend that you told me about...how nice!
