Beach Mural
"let be"
"let be"
as completed as she will be...
click on image to enlarge
see "finished" mural
Had to let go of it... by request of team leader... hmmm -ouch!
"full story" coming up after a few days of rest...
* August 22 - posts @
Hi dear Alicia
How very wonderful!
I love it!
Sorry to have absent for such a while.
I've missed you my friend...lots!!!!
I promise I'll call you before I leave for Nova Scotia next week.
Lots of hugs to you!
***WOW*** that is a beauty, I hope you will give me a hint when you have write your story...:)
Wondering if you could do me a small favor (a lot to ask since I disappeared, I suppose. But I would be really grateful if you could help me out) So, could you delete my Surname/full name, whichever you think appropriate from you're Wacky Bag list? (Nothing personal, it was great fun to take part! Just don't wanna be tracked down by the real world!)
Thanks, hope you're well
Take care.
I really like this mural--the colors are fantastic, but the image is the grabbing thing about it. The fact that she is pointin upward I really like--but what I like best of all is her figure. Here is a mermaid that could be any one of us--not just one of those ridiculous sylphs from Ralph Loren fragrance commercials--and she is beautiful.
Fabulous job. Absolutely fabulous
Hello dear Margie
I guess "have a great trip" will have to do for now!
Big Hug
Hello dear Fancy - long time no see, I'll try to catch my breath in the next couple of weeks.
I will most certainly fire off an emial to you...
Big Hug
Dear Carry
It is always nice to hear from
"old" friends
Hope you have been keeping well and busy - as wel as out of trouble...
I have not been by WackyBagWorld for quiet a while - just heading to a local boutique I discovered full of them, got me another one there a couple of days ago...
I most definitely will do - any suggestions for a pseudonim?
Take good care, don't stay lost
Big Hug
hello miss slskenyon!
When I sketched her I had no idea it will be the success she has been thus far... more so than the other two by far!
What has been fantastic was the spontaneous feedback of man of all ages - including teenage boys around 14/15.
Even been thanked for painting "one our age, because they always paint the young skinny ones" - words of a rather handsome gentleman...
Or women, getting a kick out her hips and tummy (and wrinkles, I am sure) telling me they identify with her...
"I can tell she's been around the block a few times..." was another great comment whe she was going through one of those "insane looking stages"
I wanted her to look wired - not insane.. he-he-he
I am very pleased with her - althouhg I must admit Tony "youthyfied" and beautyfied her some on Sunday AM - what was that about "boys will be boys"?
I sneaked back Wed. morn and "plumped her up and aged her again!
The comments really made me feel great and validated - they kept on coming in 5min intervals...
We originally started out in 4 different age groups and at one point I suggested we paint the mermaids to our likeness - I was the only one that folowed through!
Big HUg
I will copy and paste your comment over to StudioGaleria
Heya Angel,
Thanks, much appreciated!
Hehe, well, busy and outta trouble as I hope you are too! A bit of bag shopping will never go amiss eh
Will have a think about a name.
And to you
Hey Carrie
got a blog?
Beautiful !!!!! I love your work!
Thank you Katie!
.... :)
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