"Her and Her Episodes" Acrylic on paper... All content copyright! 2005 - 2017 and so on, and on, and on....

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Mexico City: March 9
Some photos of AvisArte 2010 Opening Reception,
Lottery Draw and Musical program...

(Love my allocated caption...)
"My voice that faces shame and rupture"

Benjamín González Roaro, Director General de la Lotería Nacional, Mayra Galindo Leal, Directora General de la Asociación Mexicana de Lucha contra el Cáncer, Arturo Guel Pañola, Oncólogo Médico, Roberto Guizar Díaz, Presidente Ejecutivo de la Asociación Mexicana de Lucha contra el Cáncer y de ladito Alejandro Mohar Betancourt, Director General del Instituto Nacional de Cancerología.

Every year the Sociedad Mexicana de Lucha Contra el Cancer,
holds a fundraising and informational Exhibit.
This year being its 50th anniversary,
the Loteria Nacional commemorated the occasion
with a month long draw, that began on March 9.
This anniversary also coincided with the international
Colon-Rectal Cancer Awareness month and thus...
I share in the process with "Intermezzo Giocoso"
(May I add, in very good company, and rather proudly...,
while also "Two Places at the Same Time)


pilgrimchick said...

You attended this? It looks like a lot of fun, and I hope you got a chance to meet some other artists, too.

Alicia M B Ballard StudioGaleria said...

It is only my paintings that jet-set around the world!
I get to shamelessly flog them!
Would have loved being there.
The entire experience (from afar) has been a truly wonderful one.

The original is still in Argentina and will be joining another "season opener" exhibit in June...

I would like to find it a good home!
