"Her and Her Episodes" Acrylic on paper... All content copyright! 2005 - 2017 and so on, and on, and on....

Saturday, February 24, 2007

To have a Will .
A written, up to date, signed will... ? - Part Three -

I had one since 1976. I was more "affluent" then than I am now. (Desperately needs updating!!!)
Still, why would I have a will at such young age?
Well, to start with, it was the time we began talking about "the right to die with dignity", which came on the hills of my grandfather's horribly dragged out and excruciatingly painful death.

I had just gotten myself a job as one of the first few female Immigration Officers in Canada ever, with a post at the border with Montana, US ... it was a contract, reason for which I kept my apartment in Calgary, Alberta, CA. , commuting from the sleepy tiny town (large border crossing) back and forth every seven days, for four days of "rest" at home...
Roads and highways are, generally speaking, dangerous places to be on for many hours at the time and that was the only other criteria I used at the time.

I did (do) not want to "kept alive by artificial means" in case of a catastrophe, this had to be stated in writing, my matters needed to be in order, goodies distributed - also including how I wanted my remains to be dealt with.
I believe, I must have had, if not the first, one of the first "Living Wills". I remember insisting to (my partner on and off) at the time - the lawyer in this matter, while he cried, first and only time I saw him do it in 16 years - while telling me that, what I wanted was "not legal".
Put it in anyway... that is what I want, and I certainly hope you are going to do so, should anything happen.

With the circus we have been witnessing in N.A. in the Anna Nicole matter, should be enough to sent everyone running to get one done up. (Story repeating itself with and without a Will)
Wills don't have anything to do with fortunes, but a lot to do with an orderly and clean "exit" from his earth, without leaving a mess behind for others to fight over.
Because as it is, it appears to be one of the biggest issues separating families and siblings.
Of course, if they are going to fight over the left-overs, they are going to do it no matter what.
But you must trust that your "executor" is on your side!

So far, there is only three things I would still keep the in my will. ... hm!
1. Not being kept "alive" by artificial means.
2. Having my ashes scattered somewhere in the midst of nature - dust to dust kind of thing...
3.Tom Jones singing "I did it my way" - although as I am writing this, I feel that perhaps the Gypsy Kings would me more appropriate! Yeah...... definitely! :)
cont. bellow...


vinay said...

reminds me of Richard!!the same old photographer who wanted his ashes to be scattered from the bridges of madison county!!!

Alicia M B Ballard StudioGaleria said...

my goodness - I can stand him!
What's his name, that is...