gracias... parece nos estabamos contestando simultaneamente :)
si,"all living things" - tengo unas hormigotas negras a las cuales ya espero todas las primaveras (me entrenaron) - apenas si dos o tres solamente paseandose por la casa, tuvimos un invierno muy frio y no habran sobrevivido... verdaderamente, las extrano.
i wonder anything extraordinary happened on the Earth day Dear Alicia.
Sometimes great people talk without knowing what they are talking about. Probably what he meant was we should respect all forms of life. Better still, all forms of life have the right to exist. That includes Bacteria parasites and virus.
We the humans have assumed the role to decide who exists and who should not. And we some how think that we are superior to other forms of life.
He was a vegetarian. And being a vegetarian is against the laws of nature. He never knew that.
Summer is here Alicia. You must be making plans how to enjoy lots of love Hugs
I don't know about extraordinary, but watching a Christian Custeau doc. I head it was found whales with breast cancer, due contamination, it is assumed...
I interpreted he meant "all living things"... in my facebook and twitter I reminded "we are just one of species"...
I know Raufie many us were brought up to think we are superior. Still, many advocate all other species to be inferior..., to be ruled over/dominated - silly and pompous as well as destructive.
All I know is that I miss my big black ants... after two years of having made peace with co-existing with them for a couple of months. I think they died in the cold winter... did I mention it?
Preciosa la foto...
y qué acertada la cita de gandhi...
Que importantes son las "living things"...
parece nos estabamos contestando simultaneamente :)
si,"all living things" - tengo unas hormigotas negras a las cuales ya espero todas las primaveras (me entrenaron) - apenas si dos o tres solamente paseandose por la casa, tuvimos un invierno muy frio y no habran sobrevivido... verdaderamente, las extrano.
PD: le hiciste click?
i wonder anything extraordinary happened on the Earth day Dear Alicia.
Sometimes great people talk without knowing what they are talking about. Probably what he meant was we should respect all forms of life.
Better still, all forms of life have the right to exist. That includes Bacteria parasites and virus.
We the humans have assumed the role to decide who exists and who should not. And we some how think that we are superior to other forms of life.
He was a vegetarian.
And being a vegetarian is against the laws of nature.
He never knew that.
Summer is here Alicia. You must be making plans how to enjoy
lots of love
I don't know about extraordinary, but watching a Christian Custeau doc. I head it was found whales with breast cancer, due contamination, it is assumed...
I interpreted he meant "all living things"... in my facebook and twitter I reminded "we are just one of species"...
I know Raufie many us were brought up to think we are superior. Still, many advocate all other species to be inferior..., to be ruled over/dominated - silly and pompous as well as destructive.
All I know is that I miss my big black ants... after two years of having made peace with co-existing with them for a couple of months. I think they died in the cold winter... did I mention it?
Lots of love and hug Raufie dearest
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