"Her and Her Episodes" Acrylic on paper... All content copyright! 2005 - 2017 and so on, and on, and on....

Monday, April 27, 2009

Feverishly Working Away

I have primed the canvases with tinted gesso a couple of times, sketched in design and can just feel how it was acquiring a life of its own.
This is - I believe - the secret of abstract works... allowing it to grown on its own, accompanying the surging feeling as "we"move along.

As it usually is, although, I had a pencil sketch things went on a different direction from the get-go.

That, added to the fact that from the great photographs received, only a few fall within my "requested guidelines". NOT a bad thing. BUT, a thing to take very much into consideration,  as this in itself sort of derailed the original idea... derailment not a bad thing in this case either...

Go to go and put in a full day as deadline IS around the corner


pilgrimchick said...

Sounds fantastic--a nice area for creative expression to be sure.

Did you ask about photos of natural settings in a blog comment recently? I have been trying to track that down so could respond, but I am having trouble finding it.

Alicia M B Ballard StudioGaleria said...

Yes, I did I remembered you as a very good fotog...

The work has a life of its own an drifted away from the original sketch, particularly/due to the eclectic nature of the pic received.
However, not bad - I just looked for patterns...
So maybe you ccan send me some of your faves and I'll incorporate them now, or in future works
Thanks for following up.

How are you keeping?

PS are you on twitter and/or facebook?

Alicia M B Ballard StudioGaleria said...

oh, pilgrimchick
email at profile

arkhonómada said...

Imagino que estarás trabajando "como una loca" -expresión castellana ;)- porque hace días que no se sabe de ti en tu blog.
Espero que todo vaya bonito. Que la vida siga regalándose con tus regalos.
Un abrazo, amiga.

Alicia M B Ballard StudioGaleria said...

como loca
y totalmente estresada!

tengo tanto contratiempo haciendo siempre cosas nuevas que me esta por dar ataque - mi presion esta altisima y tengo nada mas que dos semanas... y punto!!!

graciaspor lavista dulce -
una abrazote para ti y las tuyas