None have given the pleasure nor the friendships that I have encountered in these blogs. Friendships that transcend distances and cultures of which strength I am always in awe of...
Oddly, most of "those" facebook friends are rouge blogger friends, our interaction changed quickly by the setting... still love them all the same!
I have been/am truly fed up with "facebook" as it appears that instead of being a tool for us = we become a tool for it *, as I felt just as "enslaved" with my new (Mac) Maxwell, my sexy, sleek Leopard as I was with "my old Singer" Windows PC (only straight and zig-zag ☺).
Anyway, anyhow, I am once more "getting things in order". The move back from Trisha's Artists Studio brought on a renewed commitment to my own need for a proper studio at home.
In short, I am left with a kitchen and a bedroom and now, I relatively large studio... which, overflows to the balcony, and I looooove it!!!
Had a small "garage sale" yesterday... (was not aware how many people I know in the building!) I had company for most of my shift...! The attempt to dispose of items of value I no longer have room for... lovely chachkas... all of them - made me take an even harder look to money going toward "things I love"... ahá!
Ayyy! Among them, a zillion frames. I did the same stupid thing 35 years ago (time flies and, oooops... I forgot, apply here!).
☛ I must remember to only buy frames when I need them. Not shown - two more boxes with smaller frames and their glass... ☞ Also must remember not to "randomly" accept frames, and glass, others want to get rid of... Life is hard!
The Galeria does actually look very pleasant, and the viewing is easy as I managed to resolve the lighting needs with what I call "boat lights" and a string of tiny holiday season lights which now run the length of the apartment. (See siderbar: Friday, MArch 13.09)
The Studio is also coming along with its very task oriented lighting - I installed a couple of fluorescent light fixtures with 2 "daylight/full spectrum" fluorescent light bulbs each... connected at the ceiling with the coolest design - yes, there is such thing - extension cord... ahhhh!
Coming along with those matters I have left the defining of Workshops to come, learning how to confidently and successfully operate and manage Maxwell to my advantage, build my website, and last but not least focus more on my blogs... AND, "live" relationships...
*There is a saying in Spanish that goes something like this: When one goes to bed with children, wakes up wet...
Meaning, that when you deal with something/someone immature one must suffer the consequences.
Always so enjoy knowing how it's going in your life, dear friend!
Thank you for sharing!
I was thinking after posting that I forgot to mention "the work" I still have to do... lol!
xoxo dear Margie
i wonder what was i doing before i started blogging dearest Alicia, now it is constantly occupying my mind.
My life has changed too, some changes i resisted were imposed on me. but i had to change, i can't expect others to change for me Alicia. blogging has helped me a lot and i am grateful that i met friends like you.
i am not comfortable with face book too Alicia, friends dragged me in and some how others find me.
Its not a free and frank forum or what ever you may call it. this makes me a fake, i have to be nice and keep my mouth shut and say only pleasant things and others want you to know how important they are. Every thing is so silly.
but i have to play along and respond to silly messages and come up with compliments.
You are busy as always Alicia, please take time off and enjoy life, i know you love what you are doing and your mind will be peaceful always without a trace of stress.
lots of love
Well, dear Raufie
I did not have such wonderful friends around the world!
I believe I am getting stressed because so much of the doing is new experiences and "old dog learning new tricks" wanting to "get it right" the first time...
About changes... did you ever think that people our age could go through so many changes...?
Not that things don't change... but, we go forth willingly - lol.
I have younger relatives stuck in the 70's... NOTHING, N-O-T-H-I-N-G has changed.
Lots of love and hugs
my dear friend
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