"Her and Her Episodes" Acrylic on paper... All content copyright! 2005 - 2017 and so on, and on, and on....

Friday, April 01, 2011

Convocatoria/Artist Call

FiberFusion: International Mural Project 
Express yourself! (Some rules apply to common areas)

September 2011, "Outside the Box" Festival, a celebration of fiber and textiles. 
White Rock (Vancouver), BC Canada.

This Exhibit will afterward became an itinerant show traveling south through the Americas, then onto Europe.

Virtuosi Infraganti Collective: Artist without borders, sharing, educating and promoting...
Deadline: April 13
Selection: April 15

* Having only a few spaces, artists expressing themselves in an individual, original and diverse manner will be selected. (Minimal registration fee)

For details write to: Info@VirtuosiInfraganti.org

Looking forward to your participation. 
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Mural FiberFusion: Projecto Internacional
Expresate! (algunas reglas en cuanto a espacio común)

Septiembre 2011 "Fuera de la Caja"
una celebracion de fibras y textiles.
White rock, BC Canada.
Esta expor luego se convertira en una muestra itinerante viajando hacia al sur por las Americas, para luego pasar a Europa...

Colectivo Virtuosi Infraganti: Artistas sin fronteras, compartiendo, educando, promoviendo...
Plazo: Abril 13
Seleccion: Abril 15

Para mas detalles: Info@VirtuosiInfraganti.org

*Habiendo solamente unos pocos espacios, aquellos artitas que se expresen de una forma individual, original y diversa seran seleccionados. (Minima cuota de participacion con registro)

Las/los esperamos

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