"Her and Her Episodes" Acrylic on paper... All content copyright! 2005 - 2017 and so on, and on, and on....

Thursday, June 16, 2011

White Rock Parking - Never say another bad word!!!

I was just wrapping up an afternoon of photography, taking advantage of the wonderful afternoon and ample parking available due to the Stanley Cup hockey final.

As I was returning to my car two, not one, Parking Officers were scouring the parking lot west of the Museum... my "little guy" obscured by a van....
A stepped up towards the unknown when one of them asked me if the car was mine... One handsome young man I thought - when the other one came into sight!
Hmmmm, White Rock stepping up the Public Relations with these two hunks?

OK, never mind "the hunks", serious business at hand, why is one of them ready to ticket me?

I got a parking sticker.
- No, you don't.
Yes, I do... got the sticker on my windshield - there!
- No... this is an orange sticker, you need a yellow one.
The yellow one is last year's, this year's it's orange.
- No, it is yellow, you got a Centennial sticker...
What (the hell) is a Centenial sticker?
- For the Centennial Arena, you can park there... you need to pay to park here.
(Why would I need to pay here?) Why would I need a sticker for Centennial? What's Centennial? OH!  I only go there to get the sticker! This is the one for this year...
- No, look what it says... Didn't you read it?
Why would I read it? It is the sticker they gave me when I asked for one.
- He reads it aloud for me while I watch in dis-be-lief! 
(I got a blooming Arena parking sticker!!!???) That's why I only paid $15.00 for it, I assumed they came to their senses and began prorating it...
It also explains why they did not asked me for proof or residence.... hmmmmm

I look at "the hunk" and smile as blond as I can (well... there's no denying!) I think he got "it" before I even tried! I am offfffff here, so offffffffff that I confess and, tell him (them) I have been parking all over the city for a couple for months now.... (I think I perceive a bulging smile, but he continues with a stern face.) (Not a parking ticket pleeeeeease!).

His energy was good throughout the entire interaction, while I think he was in as much disbelief as I was (so must have been the second officer, spotted hunk number one, as I felt him standing nearby, behind me).
I was let off - this time - with, a verbal "warning" / strong recommendation get sticker changed.

After this experience, my experience,  I will never ever allow anyone to say anything bad about our darling parking officers - no more "parking nazis" references will be allowed!!!


Margie said...

You made me chuckle!

Margie xo

Alicia M B Ballard StudioGaleria said...

Imagine, Margie...

Leovi said...

funny situation that he says.