"Her and Her Episodes" Acrylic on paper... All content copyright! 2005 - 2017 and so on, and on, and on....

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Dear car thieves

I'll go straight to the point as it has been days I been meaning to write to you. You are not only criminals but also monumental nitwits.
How come?
Simple; I am a senior on limited income.
This/my car was the only car I had. You think ICBC is the one you are screwing, not the car owner.
Well, let me tell you. ICBC is an institution where people work for a salary, are not personally affected at all. They are mostly nice people. They follow a set of rules.
Often those rules do not quiet fully compensate the car owner, despite their coverage.
For myself, I though I was safe from the likes of you. My car was a sensible 1991 Toyota Corolla. Its entire monthly maintenance y enjoyment less than a monthly 3 zone bus pass.
For your information nitwits, as it took more than one of you to disable my ignition and thus starting my  punishment for existing!
When you disabled the ignition you did such a bad job, that not only you could not move it, even the towing company had an almost impossible time with it.
So... AS ICBC was 5 days behind in the claims department I was not eligible for the coverage of a rental car, which I found out, it is covered in its entirety if your vehicle is deemed repairable and while such repairs take  place. Or a new replacement id found. So, no free mobility. You, inconsiderate nitwits ended it.
As the "claims adjustor" passed sentence, he phoned also to advise me  to pick up my belongings at the nearest claims office.
The insurance agent called the following day to inform me a cheque (for a truly laughable amount...). Warned that this may most likely happen, I immediately recalled on line prices 3 and 3.5 times higher than the offer at hand. After reevaluation another, more "reasonable offer" was accepted later on that same day.

I was to make this amount, in addition to my deductible stretch to cover the cost of a similar car...

HM! That has not happen yet, A month and some after you gentlemen, ruined a perfect little car, and along with it a suitable lifestyle.
Oh yeah, you did not know that they only go by year and model, not condition or emotional attachment, for that matter. I admit it was not in mint condition, but it sure was in an excellent one....a few age blemishes that the spray paint cans I have already purchased would not have corrected.
So you see, car insure in this case ( and many others) is a blooming ban-aid and you dear car thieves left me the owner high and dry.
Actually, I cannot say "dry" as I find myself chasing shuttle busses in the rain to do my grocery shopping. Highly inconvenient I find at my age and in my budget zone.
You see, you altered more than my mode of transportation. You altered my lifestyle. The lifestyle of a retiree bent of continuing living with her life filled with art activities, in peace and harmony with the world, untouched and un altered by thugs like you.
At the end. you really screwed me, and me alone.
The car you wanted to steal, never left its underground, secured parking stall. You never drove it out, just ruined it.

I don't even have the consolation of knowing that your damage causing rampage in our garage will ever be punished.

being moved by shear muscle!

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